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Thursday, July 18, 2013

Town CD vol.40 | Kal Knhom Nov Khmeng

Town CD vol.40 | Kal Knhom Nov Khmeng
Town CD vol.40 | Kal Knhom Nov Khmeng

01, Chreang Dak Peang ;Nisa
02, Kal Knhom Nov Khmeng ;Pakme
03, Nik Ke Klang Pek Tech Knhom Chhkout Tov ;Nisa
04, Yub Nis Knhom Aob Neak Pseng ;Pakme
05, Monus Prathna Veasna Komnort ;Pakme & Nisa
06, Sonya Tver Avey Ber Tver Min Ban ;Sokun Nisa
07, Somtos Srey Maneak ;Pakme
08, Oun Orn Pruos Srolanh Bong ;Sokun Nisa
09, Pruoy Klach Min Ban Oun ;Pakme
10, Tver Charek Bros Sa-rt ;Sokun Nisa
11, Kom Plech Svay Reang ;Pakme

DOWNLOAD : MediaFire | TusFlies | Listen songs

Thursday, July 11, 2013

BIG MAN CD VOL.02 | Sman Khos Tik Phnek

BIG MAN CD VOL.02 | Sman Khos Tik Phnek
BIG MAN CD VOL.02 | Sman Khos Tik Phnek

01; Prom Ho Tik Phnek Tus Khmean Nak Churt ,Thaina
02; Sman Khos Tik Phnek ,Kola
03; Born To Try ,Jully
04; Min Aoy Tik Phnek Srok Dol Dey ,Solido
05; Ber Sin Oun Min Sneh ,Tharo
06; Penh Chit Men Te Del Khernh Bong Chheour Chab ,Kola
07; Krovy Kbarl ,Thaina
08; Prom Sneh Min Prom Chheour Chab ,Tharo
09; Under My Umbrella ,Jully
10; Prab Kar Pit Min Sov Chheour ,Thaina
11; Min Yum Min Angvor ,Solido
12; Tub Chit Min Ban ,Kola

DOWNLOAD : MediaFire | TusFlies 

Wednesday, July 10, 2013

Sunday CD vol.140 | Songsa Tae Chmous

Sunday CD vol.140 | Songsa Tae Chmous
Sunday CD vol.140 | Songsa Tae Chmous

01, Songsa Tae Chmous ; Sok Pisey
02, Teas Thngas Sdam Angeal Teas Chveng ; Jame
03, Sngek Chhob Yob ; Many
04, Derm3 Bong ; Sok Pisey
05, Tver Derm3 Kloun Eng Kom Derm3 Bong Pek ; Jame
06, Komdor Songsa Ke Chher Chab  ; Jame
07, Nat Oun Bek Knea ; Many
08, Tha Oun Lngong Kor Ban ; Sok Pisey
09, Choub Sne Nov Phnom Penh ; Jame
10, Bongrean Besdong Oy Ches Puek Sra ; Many

DOWNLOAD : MediaFire | TusFlies

Sunday CD vol.139 | Songsa 1Day Songsa 1 Chi Vet

Sunday CD vol.139 | Songsa 1Day Songsa 1 Chi Vet
Sunday CD vol.139 | Songsa 1Day Songsa 1 Chi Vet

01, Kom Tean Phnher Peak Bek Broyat Soy Kluon Oun ; Keo Veasna
02, Songsa 1Day Songsa 1 Chi Vet ; Yury
03, Songsa 1day Songsa 1 Chi Vet ; Kola
04, Tek Phnek Boros Mneak Nis ; Eno
05, Nek Dol Bong Pong Pel Oun Slab Bot Nis ; Kola
06, Khom Plech Nek Bong Lers Derm ; Yury
07, Honey Somnob Chet ; Yury
08, Pika Kay Tae Min Pika Chet ; Keo Veasna
09, Puthou Preah Ery ; Eno
10, Songsa Kom Pol Ror Vol ; Yury

DOWNLOAD : MediaFire | TusFlies

Thursday, July 4, 2013

Sunday CD vol.138 | Songsa Luoch Leak

Sunday CD vol.138 | Songsa Luoch Leak
Sunday CD vol.138 | Songsa Luoch Leak

01, Songsa Luoch Leak ; Yuth
02, Trim Chea Songsa Luoch Leak Tae Oun Srolanh Bong ; Eva
03, Saob Klun Eng Del Srolanh Oun ; Yuth
04, Tek Pneak Mouy Lean Domnork ; Sovanary
05, Chong Sdab Peak Kokork Robos Bong ; Sreyneang
06, Ber Oun Nek Ke Orb Bong Chomnous Ban Ort ; Yuth & Eva
07, Chong Brab Ke Tha Oun Chea Songsa Bong ; Sreyneang
08, Neak Na Oy Oun Khleat ; Yuth
09, Deng Tha Anit Nov Tae Srolanh ; Yuth
10, Khenh Bong Chher Terb Oun Srolanh Bong ; Eva

DOWNLOAD : MediaFire | TusFlies

Wednesday, July 3, 2013

Sunda CD vol.137 | Hat Avey Tat Bong Choo

Sunda CD vol.137 | Hat Avey Tat Bong Choo
Sunda CD vol.137 | Hat Avey Tat Bong Choo

01, Pdam Srolarn Chaj Chet Snae Bong ; Sreypov
02, Dey Sdam Oub Oun Dey Chhveng Chot Teok Pneak Klun Eng ; Veasna
03, Prom Yum Kom Dor Oun ; Kola
04, Ke Trov Knea Veng Houy ; Lino
05, Slob Bros Manak Nes Ban Ort ; Kola
06, Hat Avey Tat Bong Choo ; Veasna
07, Krab Pneak Prean ; Veasna
08, Tlab Chea Monus Bong Snae ; Sreypov
09, Preok Nes Tov Sal ; Lino
10, Snae Vey Kmeng Chet Kmeng ; Sreypop

DOWNLOAD : MediaFire | TusFlies

Tuesday, July 2, 2013

Sunday CD vol.136 | Som Seth Yum

Sunday CD vol.136 | Som Seth Yum
Sunday CD vol.136 | Som Seth Yum

01, Terb Deng Monus Smos Chher Klang Ponna ; Serey Mun
02, Som Seth Yum ; Heng Pitu
03, Dol Pel Bek Terb Prab Tha Bong Min Men Monus Laor ; Linda
04, Em Men Ten ; SereyMun
05, Mean Songsa Chea Prean Neary ; Linda
06, Nak Chong Kraoy ; Heng Pitu
07, Prom Oy Oun Chhnes ; Heng Pitu
08, Min Men Srey Sart Te Oun Srolanh Bong ; Linda
09, Oy Bong Rus Vinh Ban Te ; Heng Pitu
10, Mun Neung Lok Trov Bek ; Heng Pitu

DOWNLOAD :MediaFire | TusFlies

Friday, June 28, 2013

Sunday CD vol.135 | Ke Somkhan Pi Pel Na

Sunday CD vol.135 | Ke Somkhan Pi Pel Na

01, Cham Muoy Math Mork , Veasna
02, Ke Somkhan Pi Pel Na , Kola
03, Maream Dai Dorb Nov Te Cham Oun Vel Vinh , Many
04, Arch Komdor Sne Bong , Eva
05, Manus Chet Kmao , Lino
06, Chob Paroy , Veasna
07, Moha Kaetha Nhae Srey , Many
08, Kom Chat Tuk oun Chea Pa-oun Srey , Eva
09, Lourng Kluon Eng , Lino
10, Min Jong Bek Ke Oy Bek , Many

DOWNLOAD : MediaFire | TusFlies

Sunday CD vol.134 | Chhob Srolanh Oun Min Ban

Sunday CD vol.134 | Chhob Srolanh Oun Min Ban
Sunday CD vol.134 | Chhob Srolanh Oun Min Ban

01, Chhob Srolanh Oun Min Ban , Serey Mun
02, Phnher Snam Nhor Nhem Oy Neak Thmey Bong , Srey Neang
03, Khnernh Sleak Khley Kom Chong Merl Ngeay , Sreypop
04, Sok Sok Prab Oun Tha Bek , Sreypop
05, Sbot Mok Preah Kor Min Cheur , Serey Mun
06, Fan Komsot , Serey Mun
07, Orb Oun Oy Yu Cheang Nis Ban Te , Srey Neang
08, 1lean Hetphal , Srey Neang
09, Trem Mnus Somrab Bong Leng Serch ,Sreypop
10, Veay Reuk Proyat Ot Pdey , Serey Mun & Sreypop

DOWNLOAD : MediaFire | TusFlies

Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Sunday CD vol.133 | Chheour Lerng Leng Chong Chheour

Sunday CD vol.133 | Chheour Lerng Leng Chong Chheour
Sunday CD vol.133 | Chheour Lerng Leng Chong Chheour

01, Cheat Nis Rus Yang Na Ber Khmean Bong , eiva
02, Chheour Lerng Leng Chong Chheour , arn Kun Kola
03, Bong Ort Luy Oun Ors Sneh , meas Saly
04, Chheour Rohot , chum Lino
05, Sarang Bong , eiva
06, Ort Chorng , eiva
07, Som Chos Thlai Khan Slar , meas Saly
08, Het Avey Kor Yerng Bek Knea , chum Lino
09, Kert Mok Cheat Nis Somrab Smors Oun , arn Kun Kola
10, Mun Sneh Bopha Kors Thmey , meas Saly

DOWNLOAD : MediaFire | TusFlies 

Sunday CD vol.129 | Mouy matt sos tha lea vea yab nas ey

Sunday CD vol.129 | Mouy matt sos tha lea vea yab nas ey
Sunday CD vol.129 | Mouy matt sos tha lea vea yab nas ey

01, Cheat mun bong chopeak oun , Hang Oudom Many & Kola
02, Bong orb ke nik khernh teok pnek oun phong , Sok Pisey
03, Mouy matt sos tha lea vea yab nas ey , Arn Kun Kola
04, Sopheak mongkul chong kroy , Sok Pisey
05, Tngai kroy trov rean rous doy kmean bong , Sok Pisey
06, Nov kbae bong songsa bong tous kbae ke kor chea songsa bong , Hang Oudom Many
07, Songsa chas call prab bong tha oun kbot , Arn Kun Kola
08, Songsa chomnous , Arn Kun Kola
09, Adit songsa srolanh pas phaoun khnhom , Hang Oudom Many
10, Saob prous srolanh , Hang Oudom Many

DOWNLOAD : MediaFire | TusFiles

Thursday, June 20, 2013

Sunday CD vol.128 | Nik oun lerng krun

Sunday CD vol.128 | Nik oun lerng krun
Sunday CD vol.128 | Nik oun lerng krun

01, Nik oun lerng krun , Keo Veasna
02, Pros langong keu bong , Keo Veasna
03, Kmean sith sombey te Call , Keo Veasna
04, Chong sdab sno besdong kbot lot bok ponnan dong , Keo Veasna
05, Tngai kroy trov rean rous deuy kmean oun , Keo Veasna
06, Roib pi 1 dol 10 kro vot bong pi besdong oun chos , Keo Veasna
07, teok pnek bong te , Keo Veasna
08, Bek songsa chas min kmas tov sne songsa mit , Keo Veasna
09, Bek knea teng min toin os chit , Keo Veasna
10, Kom das teok pnek bong oy ho barn te , Keo Veasna

DOWNLOAD : MediaFire | TusFiles

Sunday CD vol.110 | Tok bong chea songsa chomnous ke barn te

Sunday CD vol.110 | Tok bong chea songsa chomnous ke barn te
Sunday CD vol.110 | Tok bong chea songsa chomnous ke barn te

01, Lerk ti 1 del bong som yom , Keo Veasna
02, Dol krong long sne , Chom Lino
03, Mnus khjom kompong sne louch mean neak thmey , Iva
04, Vipadesarey , Odom Many
05, Bong neng prab ke tha oun bek bong heuy , Keo Veasna
06, Oun reu neak rong cham te mnus kbot , Iva
07, Lerk leng , Odom Many 
08, Chong prab peak knong chit , Iva
09, Chong ke te kmean orkas , Chom Lino
10, Tok bong chea songsa chomnous ke barn te , Keo Veasna

DOWNLOAD : MediaFire | Tufiles